Sherrie Saint John continues her report: Round 2 began at 10:52 AM, later than the organizers had expected. Most of the delay centered around the fact that all the important paperwork was not filled out properly. Laura Klein clearly delineated what went wrong. We trust that her announcements will help clear up Round 2's paperwork. So many helpful runners! Miriam Saldanha, Mangala Bhandarkar, Dean Saldanha, Mark Pray, Howard Turkenkopf, Margarite Saldanha (Allan Saldanha (GBR)'s mother), Jane Williams, Laura Klein, Alexandra Williams, Lynne Hock, etc. Two nines were challenged this round: REFUTINGS was one. Both words were ruled unacceptable by Rich Baker. Paloma Raychbart (ISR) is even now, having lost Round 1 to Michael Sigley (NZ). She is smiling now, but is still with a negative cume*. GARRYA and ERED are both acceptable in the OSW -- surprising the word judges! The media is everywhere -- NPR's Daniel Zwerdling just interviewed word judges Rich Baker and John Chew. John jumped in on Maven, showing Zwerdling the 210 words in his last name. John's favorite word: WRIZLED. Joe Edley (USA) was far behind when his opponent opened a triple-triple to take the lead by 180 points. Joe opened another triple lane, putting an E in the sixth position. Joe had QUIPSTER and could have won the game, but his opponent chose to block that triple lane after five minutes of thinking. His opponent was Peter Elbourne (MLT). So it goes... Salah Fadl Mohamed Salih (SAU) lost his first game by 1 and his second game by 3. Jere Mead (USA) lost his first game by 5 to Bob Felt (USA) and won the next by 12. David Boys (CAN) is still in first place: 2-0, +451.