Dear WSC97 distribution list members, Thank you for your interest in the WSC, and for all your kind words of encouragement and gratitude. Over the next week or so, I will continue to update the WSC web page at, in particular adding a lot more photos and cleaning up the ones that are there. When I've had a little bit more sleep, I'll also put together my own memories of the event into a post mortem report. I hope I can say without infringing on Joel's intellectual property rights[1] that I am deeply grateful to the rest of the WSC Committee staff for their efforts in making the even run smoothly, to Sherrie Saint John and Gregg Foster for their tireless volunteerism, to ATG of Boston for supplying our digital camera, to all the players for putting on such a good show, and particularly to Adam Logan for his assistance every day in producing the Internet feed. Finally, if you enjoyed this coverage and/or the simulcast on MarlDOoM, I would appreciate it if you would each individually take the time to write to the NSA and say so; I think doing so would help make sure that the Internet coverage of the next NSA WSC is even better than this year's. John [1] Joel: can you post a copy of your acceptance speech, and all the people you thanked, optionally omitting the contents of the D.C. phone book? -- John Chew (poslfit on MD/WD/PD) WSC97 Word Judge and Internet Reporter *